Section: Dissemination
Seminars and conferences
Pejman Attar gave a talk about “Safe and Secure Concurrency” at Paris 6 University. In November 2012, he presented the work “A CPS definition of Esterel” by B. Serpette at the workshop Synchron'12 at Le Croisic.
Gérard Berry gave an invited talk in April 2012, at Edinburgh, “Reconciling Semantics and Implementation”, for the Milner Symposium. He gave the talk “Informatique et art, quel avenir?” at the Villa Medicis, Rome, in February. He gave an invited conference at IRCAM “Parler du temps, mais de manière formelle”, in Paris in June, and “Turing et ses contemporains: machines, langages, logiques” a talk at ENS Lyon in July.
Ilaria Castellani participated in the workshop CoTiCo (Contracts and Behavioural Types), in Lucca, Italy, where she presented her current work on session types for security. In October 2012, she participated in the kick-off management committee meeting of the BETTY european Action, in Brussels.
Cyprien Nicolas gave a talk about Hop at a Free and Open Source Software event named Journées Méditerranéennes du Logiciel Libre (JM2L). JM2L are a small local event, proposing around 30 conferences over two days, and targetting general public. It welcomed around 250 participants.
José Santos gave a talk about his work on information flow in the CREST Open Workshop on Interference and Dependence organized by the Department of Computer Science of the University College of London in May 2012. In June 2012, he presented the article [12] in the Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS) Workshop in Beijing, China.
Tamara Rezk, presented the work on the Mashic compiler in the Computer Security Foundations conference in Harvard, Boston, June 2012. In June 2012, she chaired the PLAS workshop, Beijing. In October 2012, she was invited to the Dagstuhl Seminar Web Application Security where she also participated to the JavaScript sessions.
Manuel Serrano participated in a one-week seminar in Dagstuhl on Dynamic Languages, where he gave a talk on HipHop. He also participated in a one-week IFIP seminar which took place in Austin, Texas. He gave a talk on diffuse computing.